

have been thinking of doing this for a while now, but i had to think it through before i told you about this. i've come to the decision, that i need to take a break from the blog. don't get me wrong, i have really enjoyed blogging and sharing cool stuff with you. it's been so great, i feel like i've learned a lot and i've been so inspired by you guys. i just don't feel like i have the gust anymore. i'm so stressed out, homework, friends, school, parties etc. - it takes so much of my time that i feel like i got no time for this. and i don't want it to be like that, so rather don't blog at all. but truly, i've enjoyed this time with you so much, i don't regret a thing. idk if i will be back, maybe at some point. maybe in five days. maybe in five months. i can't tell right now, but i know that i need a break. i hope you understand. and i want you to know that you're all so amazing, you've been so kind to me. i'm gonna miss this so much, and i'm not even sure i can live without it. the blog will still stand, so you  (and myself) will still be able to look through the past posts. and i will stil be posting on the trashed galaxy (tumblr) and i hope you'll keep following there. thanks babes, i love you all so much!



'zup guys? i know it's early and everything (at least for some of us) but i'm just turning in to say that i'm off for my fall break. i'll be back like.. thursday i think? well, in about a week - plus minus. have a great weekend and for those of you whom are also have the week off: ENJOY IT, it wont last forever. gonna miss you guys a lot. kisses, xx



proudrace.tk via the trashed fashion 


isn't she adorable? it's real magic when she opens her mouth that's for sure! listen to it yourself, here above



remember when i told you about sarah and our blog called the trashed galaxy? well i've been dying to tell you this! we moved the blog to tumblr a while ago, it's going pretty good and i'm having so much fun. aalmost a hundred readers by now. i'm  so glad to be working with sarah, she's just like the sweetest girl ever. and i'd really recommend you to go check it out (LINK). not to brag or anything, but it's pretty amazing. later skaters, xx